Shelly 2.5

Шели 2.5 има два интегрирани прецизни мерачи на моќност. Може да ја измерите потрошувачката за секој канал одделно.
Внатрешен сензор за температура за заштита од прегревање. Вклучете / исклучете уреди директно од паметниот телефон или таблетот.
Можете да контролирате осветлување, греење и кој било друг поврзан електричен апарат во вашата куќа.

Шифра: 3712



Completely re-engineered

20% More powerful, 30% Smaller,
50% Increased range,
100% Protected, Dual power metering


А small diamond brought together the best experience and engineering

Extremely small: just 39 x 36 x 17mm
Shelly 2.5 fit everywhere, under the existing wall console even if there are a lot of cables.
It’s 30% smaller than Shelly 2
And 5% smaller than Shelly 1


No more wiring issues. You can revert AC or External switch poles whenever you need.
Warning: Both relay inputs are interconnected and should be to the same pole.

Internal temperature sensor for overheating protection. If the PCB temperature goes at danger level for any reason, the device will switch off.


Shelly 2.5 comes with a programming/debug header which can be used to flash alternative firmware on the device. It has an ESP8266 inside, with a 2MB flash chip. A USB-to-UART adapter is needed as well as a reliable 3.3V with at least 350 mA drive capability.
The following diagram shows the device pinout:

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