Shelly 4 PRO

Shelly 4 PRO

Со Shelly 4 Pro можете да контролирате 4 ланци на електрична енергија, по 10 ампери (4 х 2300 W). Може да добиете и информации за потрошувачка во реално време. Со Shelly 4 Pro можете да го контролирате вашиот дом директно преку вашиот мобилен телефон, без разлика каде се наоѓате. Shelly 4 Pro е уред со ниска цена за автоматизација на домот дизајниран специјално за новоизградени домови.

Шифра: 3717





What you can do with Shelly 4 Pro?

Shelly 4 Pro is DIN mountable in standard electricity box. With Shelly 4 Pro you can control 4 electricity chains, 10 amperes each (4 x 2300 W). You can also receive a real time consumption information.
With Shelly 4 Pro you can control your home directly through your mobile phone, no matter where you are.
Shelly 4 Pro doesn’t need a controller to be accessible. With a few simple steps you add it to the local Wi-Fi connection.
Shelly 4 Pro has a 1.8 inch colour information screen which provides information about the status of each electricity chain connected.


Power Supply

110-230V ±10%, 50/60Hz AC, 25-60 V DC Shelly 4 PRO is compatible with all major international voltage standards.

4 Channel up to 9,2 KW controlling power

Maximum load current per output is 10A / 230V 50/60Hz or 2300 W. You can control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment.

Power Metering

Shelly has an integrated precise power meter. You can measure the overall consumption of all the electric devices you are controlling.

Embedded WEB Server

You can control any electrical equipment up to 10A per channel. Thus you can control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment.

Wireless/WiFi Protocol

802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz)
Shelly™ 4Pro can connect to any Wi-Fi network or can operate as an Access Point


You can set the on/off time for each channel, or just follow the sunrise and sunset for your location. Shelly 4 Pro has intelligence as never seen before.



By using Shelly 4 Pro you can control any electrical device in your home.
Shelly 4 Pro connects with your home Wi-Fi, then with Shelly Cloud. From the Cloud you can manage and operate the device from anywhere in the world.

Shelly 4 Pro has 3 connection modes:

Access Point Mode

You can set up and control any device by simply connecting your smart phone to Shelly 4 Pro and open the Shelly 4 Pro control page on the WEB server, embedded in the relay.

Local Mode

Connect Shelly 4 Pro to your local Wi-Fi network in order to control any electrical device at home. You can control up to 65000 Shelly 4 Pro relays in a Wi-Fi network, therefore many more appliances through the WiFi-operated relays.

Cloud Mode

Shelly 4 Pro can be accessed from anywhere in the world. After installing and connecting it to a Wi-Fi network with internet access, download and install the Shelly Cloud mobile application (for Android or iOS), connect all your Shelly 4 Pro relays to your account and create scenarios with just a few clicks.



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